Hello World Go Program

In this chapter, we will write our first Go program to understand the basic building block of a Go program. Hello World Program Explanation package main Go programs are bundled in packages, so every Go program must have a package declaration as the first statement. Also, the main package is Read more…

Go Installation

To run a Go program you need a ‘Go compiler’ and a text editor. You can also use an integrated development environment like Visual Studio Code. Where to download? Go download You can download Go from https://golang.org/dl/. The link has Go binaries for all the major operating systems like Windows, macOS, Read more…

Go General Overview

Go is an open-source programming language that makes software building easy and reliable. Go is created at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. The programming language made the first release in the year 2009. Hardware and operating systems got upgraded over the years, but programming language didn’t Read more…